Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Per. 6- To Kill A Mockingbird: Chapter 1

If you were accused of a crime, would you want Atticus to be your defense lawyer? Why or why not. Explain.


Anonymous said...

No because i do not blieve that he can do the job

Anonymous said...

To be Honest do I really want to respond to this? OH YEs I Neeeed too for a grade :P

Atticus lost the case I think...
>.<~! OMG I don't remebr anything about Atticus :/ no? ^.^

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes if I were accused of a crimeI would let atticus be my deffended lawer becouse as he stated, he urged to accept the states generosity in allowing them to plead guilty to second-degree murder and escape with their lives.Even though he couldnt be present at their departure he still stood up . That shows that he cared.Thats why Iwouldt mind for Atticuss to be my deffended lawer.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yes because atticus will help me in the situation that im in also he will do whATever is in his hands to help me and defend me of this crime so yes i would let artticus be my lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Yes because he will do all he could can for you, for example he told the Haverfords to plead Guilty and they did no, THAT WAS THERE IDEA>

Anonymous said...

Yes. Because he's doing his job. It's up to you to plead guilty and he wouldn't be able to do anything about. I think he's good at what he do.

Anonymous said...

"Atticus Finch" is a good lawyer because, his two clients have commited second degree murder He told them to plead guilty because, there were three witnesses that saw the two clients killing the blacksmith and instead of pleading guilty they pleaded not guilty and they got HUNG! so to future reference listen to your lawyer that is the best way

Anonymous said...

Well hmmmm...? Yo No Se....hehehe!

Well no i woudn't let Atticus defend me at court becuase i believe he woudn't do a good job, because i said so...:)

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmmmmmmm no becaucs i don't belive that he was good at it

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmmm no because I dont't blieve he was good at it

Anonymous said...

"Maycomb was an old town but it was a tired old town when I first knew it."
:.) I see this as when I went to Mexico and visited in the old towns it was bored looking as well.:.)

"A day was 24hrs long but it seemed longer"
:.) Thats how i feel when i go to places and i cant wait until i leave it can be like 2 hrs and it feels like a whole day.:.)

"The shulter and doors of the Radly house were closed on sundays another thing alien to Maycombs way closed doors meant illness and cold weather only"
:.) In winter or when itscool out side we clothesour door in the fromt house and keep warm eat soup and when theres a sick person we also keep warm.:.)

"Mrs.Radly ran screaming into the street that Arthur was killing them all, but when the sheriff arrived he found
boo still sitting in the livingroom."
:.)This reminds me of an ancient person who believes they say things and see things which are not even their and they imagine people saying things to them:.)

" He never spoke to us when he passed we would look at the ground and say, Good morning sir and he would caugh in reply"
:.) This is ignorance i see this alot when you say hi to someone and they dont reply back:.)