Friday, April 11, 2008

Per. 4 To Kill A Mockingbird: Chapter 1

If you were accused of a crime would you want Atticus to defend you? Why or why not? Explain your reason.


Anonymous said...

no, becuase his first two client were the last persons hanged in the maycomb county jail.

Anonymous said...

no, because his first two client were the last persons hanged in the maycomb county jail

Anonymous said...

no,because he allowing his clients to plead guitly.

Anonymous said...

If i was in trouble i would not want Atticus to defend me because in his previous court days he got his clients hanged in a jail house.I think it happen like that because he was not sure in his evidence to defend him

Anonymous said...

Atticus had urged them to accept the state's generosity in allowing them to plead guilty to second degree murder and escape with their lives but they were havefords.

Anonymous said...

I really don't know if i want him to help me. why because he not good and plus he got his people hang in the maycomd county jail. that what may him not good.

Anonymous said...

yes, because he client was the one who persisted in pleading not guilty to first-degree there was nothing much atticus could do for his clients.

Anonymous said...

no, because he is a snake. he make people belive he can delivered thm and whae your proven guilty he doesn't do nothing. they should hang his ass cause at the end he still get paid.

Anonymous said...

If i was ever acuused of a crime well yea i would wont atticus be hes not good at what he does beacuse the last 2 people that he worked with ended up loseing there lives

Anonymous said...

they was hanged because not he don't know what he be doing plus he please them guilty to first-degree murder.

Anonymous said...

no because i would want to get someome that actually know what the are doing and is more professioal about they job and mainly is more expirenced

Anonymous said...

because he should have did everything he could have did to save them

Anonymous said...

no Due to the fact he has not been winning any case but it o.k i'll wait till he's a litte better and some time's the best way to go.... u would have to plead guitly

Anonymous said...

i wouldnt not want him to defennd me .. he had two of his clients hang ..i look at people backround records befor i get hierd them and if its not good i wont hier them.