Friday, April 11, 2008

Per. 6 To Kill A Mockingbird: Quotes

Select five (5) quotes and or descriptions from chapters 1& 2 that stood out to you. Find pictures that captures the meaning and/ or feeling of the quotes. Explain why you choose the picture and how it connects to the story.


Anonymous said...

1. " It was hotter then: a black dog suffered on a summer's day"

This make's me think of my job in the summer at k-Mart,loading all those boxes, it was hot, and the days where long, and tough, I came home musty ever day that summer. BUT THE MONEY WAS GOOD. CH-1 pg.5

Anonymous said...

"Not in money"...
This quote reminded me of a time I had to pay some one back.But in return they didn't want no money of any source.Which made me wonder....

Anonymous said...

2."Nothing to fear but fear itself"

his make's me think of the time my big brother put a dog in to the house. I was saking, but my mom told me this say, and I did not let fear take me over. CH-1 pg.6

Anonymous said...

"There goes the meanest man ever God blew his breath into"! To me this quote means that god has given you life to pursue dreams,build a family,and to do right,But instead your throwing it a way by doing wrong to others.Not giving other people chances.To sum up God Should of Never givin you life.

Anonymous said...

page.4 1. "it was customary for the men in the family to remain on simon's homestead, finch's landing, and make their living from cotton."

I believe that even though men where the one's bringing home the bacon and doing all the hard work to make the best of what they have was great but, this is a new centuary and men and woman work together to support each other including working in the feilds helping out with hard labor.

Anonymous said...

page 19
"Everybody who goes home to lunch hold up your hand,"

This quote reminded me of my summer meetings,after each meeting people usually leave and some would stay, and they would ask so they'll know, how many lunches to order....

Anonymous said...

1. "she was all angels and bones"

this makes me think of my little sister and how everybody things she's an angel plus she's small :)

Anonymous said...

"I'm big enough to fit mine"

This qoute makes me think about when I was little and my mom would tell me I cant wear certain type of clothing line becuase i was to little but I use to tell her....
I'm big enough I can fit in it.
CH.1 PG.7

Anonymous said...

page 19
"Everybody who goes home to lunch hold up your hands,"

This quote reminded me of my summer meetings,after each meeting people usually leave and some would stay, and they would ask so they'll know, how many lunches to order....

Anonymous said...

3."I'm little but I'm old"

This make's me think of the time I was 9 years old, and I helped my mom fill out a form for work. she could not blieve that i knew all the infomation I did, I felt so good about myself that day. pg.7 ch-1

Anonymous said...

I never deliberately learned to read.
To me this quote mean. U could be smart and u dont know how to read.for example like J.N
he a smart boy, but his actcent kind of mess up.

Anonymous said...

page.14 2. " Don't blame me when your he gouges your eyes out."

you should always go with your instinct and trust your guts no matter what your friends or family think.

Anonymous said...

4."Do better if you go over it instead of under it"

This make's me think of the time I was studying like crazy for a math test. I sudyed over and over again, I did not get a thing.Then my big brother told me to take it easy, I did, and I pass it with an A!

Anonymous said...

"He was so upright he took the word of god as his only law"! to me it means that you ake the word of god as your guide you live it, you learn it, and breath it.We know that we are not perfect but we try to be as god expect us to were human and we make mistakes but we try to live by the word of God every single day our lives.

Anonymous said...

4."Do better if you go over it instead of under it"

This make's me think of the time I was studying like crazy for a math test. I sudyed over and over again, I did not get a thing.Then my big brother told me to take it easy, I did, and I pass it with an A! pg.7 ch-1

Anonymous said...

The misery of that house began many years.
To me this quote mean.That the house was made a long time ago and look very nasty and no one cant ever live in it, because is like a spooky house.

Anonymous said...

page.3 3. "when it healed , and jem's fears of never being able to play football were assuaged"

Don't let an injury stop you from getting were you need to be in life, just use it as an atvantage and be the best that you can be.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.